105 Funny Hairstyle Memes to Make You Laugh, If You Stay Home Long Enough
If you don’t go out for a long time, your situation will be somehow similar to a lock-down restrictions, that humor helped you cope with the challenges of the quarantine! Especially when it comes to hair-cutting and homemade hairstyles, the internet flourished with funny hairstyle memes about the daily struggle of keeping yourself presentable while doing everything from home!
We have seen and lived some laughable experiences or pure cringe moments in the search for the perfect stay-at-home hairstyle! Let’s take a look at some of the funniest!
I. Stay-At-Home Hairstyle Memes featuring Struggles
1. The Everyday Messy Hairstyle Meme
Bad hair days became weeks and months and so, the messy, tangled hairstyles became the new normal. Maybe Maybelline should change their motto for the time being, as the postcard suggests. Right?

2. Iconic Quarantine Hairstyle
Is there anything worse than an ill-fitting wig? Well, quarantine (happened on 2020) definitely competes with that feeling of something totally bothersome, from many points of view, so Beyonce’s look is totally spot on!

3. The Struggle Is Real
Barbers and hairdressers were among the most affected people during the lockdown and since social-distancing is almost impossible when doing someone’s hair, stylists had to improvise really hard!

4. Is This Over Yet?
Ah, that feeling when it will be all over and you can get pampered at your favorite spa and hair salon! Indescribable! Or is it?

5. Hairstyle Memes: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome!
Cringy is too weak of a word to describe the struggle of getting a decent cut in these trying times! Quarantine haircuts will haunt us for years, just like this horror painting! Lol!

6. Everyday Struggles in Quarantine
Sleeping Beauty had a serious problem but boredom was not part of it! Hairstylist and barbers on the other hand… ugh, tough times!

7. Self-care is Not Always an Option
Do-it-yourself haircuts can sometimes have serious repercussions and this meme might have hit a soft spot for many of us in these past months. Maybe you can postpone those selfies for a while…

8. Fool me Twice, Shame on Me!
Judging from this meme, cutting your own hair seems to have caused some serious casualties on social media, which is the only socializing we got to do in the last months.

9. No Clients, Fabulous Dog!
A talented hairdresser has to keep his hands occupied somehow and since a dog is a man’s best friend… a fur braiding session ensued! Are those french braids or mermaid?

10. The Flip Side
Always look on the bright side of life is what they say and this quote right here shows us the unexpected benefits of wearing a face mask! Life-saving and fabulous looking, what more can you ask from these social distancing hairstyle memes?

11. Quarantine Essential Hairdos
Messy hairstyles were back in trend really hard this spring and summer. If you recognize your latest styles in the hairstyle memes list below, we highly recommend checking some of the articles on our site for some inspiration! Bye-bye, messy bun!

12. Don’t Cut Your Bangs
Making a minor change to your hairstyle yourself doesn’t sound too harmful until you take a look in the mirror! Don’t cut your fringe, instead check these 100+ Types of Bangs you can get at your favorite hair salon!

13. Too Busy to Put in the Effort
Totally relatable, the meme below comes to show why isolation really messes up with our self-care routine. Maybe your hair deserves better treatment!

14. The Inner Struggle is Real
Bangs and existential crisis have a close relation which psychologist tend to ignore. Maybe it has to do with that other famous hair-quote: “When a woman changes her hair, she is about to change her life”? Who knows…

15. A Possible Outcome Hair Meme
Both women and men can relate to this meme and we must take a moment to appreciate the effort of all hairstylists out there for putting up with crazy hairstyles on a daily basis.

16. Different Lock-down Styles
Different countries, different lockdown measures. Australia in particular tried to come up with a rather unconventional solution to keep some services available.

17. Don’t Cough
At the hair salon or elsewhere, coughing became a big faux-pas in terms of social behavior. Watch out for unrequited attention!

18. Unbelievable!
Learning something new was on many people’s to-do lists during the lockdown and hairstyles make no exception! French braids are super easy to do, learn some tips here.

19. A Simple Quarantine Hairstyle Memes Guide
Pick your favorite look from these unique and funny hairstyles memes! Admit it, you have seen at least one of them as suitable for your pretty locks during quarantine!

20. Nope
What can go wrong when cutting your own hair you’re asking? Well, this is complete proof that do-it-yourself hairstyles can have serious repercussions on your self-esteem.

21. Replacing your Hairdresser
Quarantine life sometimes felt unbearable, but moments like the one below made the whole process a bit funnier than we expected it to be. Occasional hairdressers will never replace pros, though!

22. Lockdown Essentials
Lockdown period helped many of us keep their priorities straight and their hairstyles messy! Turn out, you never appreciate the real value of a hairdresser until you can’t get one!

23. Special Edition
This “messy high bun with front falling strands” sure looks painfully familiar for many of us. Special times require “special” hairstyle memes, we have to admit that!

24. Finally Over!
If people could just master their survival instinct, maybe we wouldn’t be so crazy about making home supplies and beauty transformations all at once!

25. Told You So!
These adorable llamas seem to have been in worse situations than people stuck at home with a pair of scissors in their hands and a lot of confidence in their styling skills!

26. Unconventional Methods
Who knew cutting your own bangs could have such positive side-effects, right? If you cannot resist the temptation of doing your own fringe, at least don\t baby bangs!

27. Missing the Pre-lockdown Days
Painfully relatable, this meme shows that getting your hair cut doesn’t always come with a happy end for many of us! Home haircuts on the other hand, almost never do that either, unless you are a professional hairstylist, of course!

28. New-found Hairstyles
Laziness and boredom are said to be our greatest source of innovation. This story sure confirms that! Trying to curl your hair with a flat iron is not that ridiculous though.

29. Best Paid Job
Hitting jackpot thanks to a negative situation with a positive outcome is surely a position in which we would all like to be at the moment so, yeah, good game, hairstylists and barbers!

30. Hairstyle Struggles
Getting back to business will surely affect our hairstyle skills more than we might expect it, so yeah, keep practicing at home, for your own safety and self-esteem!

31. The New Heroes
Hairdressers should have an AMA section on their social media pages during these trying times, joke aside! This whole self-haircut is getting out of proportions.

32. Isolation Hairstyle Memes Guide
Low bun high bun, side bun, sligthly tilted bun, the messy-bun universe just got expanded! Long hair is never easy to wear, especially in quarantine!

33. Lockdown Hairstyle Memes Ideas
The expectations versus reality memes are getting pretty honest this one below will surely touch a soft spot for all the ladies out there who dreamed of the perfect messy bun.

34. Not The Result You Expected
As intentional as we try to be about our hairstyles, this haircut is definitely not the result of laborious work in the salon, done by a real hair stylist, with a proper pair of scissors…just nope!

35. Wake Up When The Lockdown Ends
Let’s shed a tear for all our hopes and dreams of perfect summer hairstyles that got all swamped away with the restrictions. The comeback to normality seems to postpone all our plans.

36. As Nervous As Can Be
Feeling shaggy yet? Joke aside, this cute dog might have its fur in better condition than many of us out there, but let’s wait patiently a little longer for our own health.

37. Hairstyle Memes Expectations
“Business in the front, party in the back” is the well-known phrase that describes mullet-haircuts and we would be glad to apply this same principle in other areas of our lives as well!

II. Messy Buns Hairstyle Struggles
38. The Typical Result
Expectations versus reality is a harsh-game people play to cope with the sad reality of messy-buns. Oh, the struggle! Every woman with a medium-long hair has at least once confronted it!

39. I Feel You, Sister!
Messy buns are supposed to make you look young and lift your facial features but sadly, it is rarely the case for so many of us. How come other girls are successful, we can’t help but wonder…

40. Sleek Bun Hairstyle Memes
A round of applause to support all the curly women with a 4C type of hair that ever dreamed of sleek straight hair, thinking it could be achieved. It must be hard…

41. Reality Vs. Expectations
Relaxed and casual or barely human? There is no in-between when it comes to messy buns and this meme is here to prove it. However, a girl can dream!

III. Blonde Hairstyle Struggles
42. Not the Best Idea Hairstyle Memes
Why paying ridiculous amounts of money to get your hair colored, you ask? Well, this meme should answer that question with no misunderstandings. “Cheap haircuts are not good, and good haircuts are not cheap” applies to hair coloring too!

43. Those Roots!
“If you haven’t got anything nice to say, you better shut up”, is what they say! Well, this girl sure tried to get a compliment for those dark roots popping. Well done!

44. The Complete Quarantine Hairstyles
Not all hairstyles were created equal and they definitely didn’t get born in your bathroom, with barely functional equipment or knowledge. These photos are painfully relatable, we must say.

45. Hairstyle Memes on Fleek
Whether it’s a failed experiment, whether it’s a long-overdue coloring job, getting your roots so long is surely a struggle only blondes can understand.

46. Over Night Pro
Results don’t come easy and expertise in the coloring department is surely undervalued until you try to do it yourself at home while skipping the written instructions and letting strangers on the internet explain it to you.

47. Let The Real Pros Handle Hair
It’s not called arrogance, it’s called knowledge and it should get more respect, but sometimes you have to learn it the hard way.

48. Blonde and Sassy Hairstyle
Oh, the failed orange-colored results of getting your hair blonde can sometimes have really funny outcomes. Funny as in embarrassing!

49. Word of Advice
Sure, hairdressers get a well-deserved break before the storm of clients will come asking for help with failed hair jobs done at home. This meme couldn’t be more accurate!

50. Maintenance is Key
Color maintenance shampoos are no joke. Clients with brassy hair should take notice.

51. DIY is Not Recommended!
What’s worse then a long-overdue coloring job, you ask? Bleaching your hair until it turns orange-yellow like a carrot you forgot to take out of the sun.

52. Finally Revealed!
Hair coloring is never a funny subject but this meme tickles our mean humor. The quarantine has revealed all sorts of unknown fact for many of us.

53. The Unknown Hairstyle
Expect- the- unexpected is a way too harsh game to play when dealing with your own hair so just invest in your patience instead!

54. Post-Quarantine Hairstyle Goals
All girls with wavy and curly hair know this struggle way too deep not to acknowledge their going back to the harsh realities of weather conditions.

55. Blonde Roots Struggle
Apparently the saying that “getting blonde hair is a higher commitment than marriage” finally revealed its meaning. Dark roots and blonde hair is a tough combination to pull.

56. Balayage Hairstyle is for Everyone
The temptation of getting a little innocent, harmless balayage on virgin hair is a real struggle of modern days. The meme shows us why!

57. Denial Phase
Just listen to what the specialist has to say and look for solutions for damaged hair is what a mature person would do, but then, how many of those people do you know in real life? Ha-ha-ha (sobs internally).

58. Unnoticed Hairstyle Memes
This meme hits us right in the feels! Man, is there anything more frustrating than those rare moments when the hairstyle is on fleek? A heartbreak? Vaguely close!

59. Box Dye Hairstyle
Eeek! Watch out for your hairdresser’s reaction when getting ideas about coloring your hair yourself. This might prevent a disaster waiting to happen!

60. ’80s Hairstyles
No judgment here, just consciously noticing the irony of people going back to ridiculous hairstyles, this time with no intention of impressing anyone except their dog, the only on-looker during the lockdown.

IV. Recently Discovered Hairstyle Issues
61. In Dire Need of a Haircut
You are well familiar with the paranoia symptoms but what do you know about ” I need a haircut!” symptoms? Well, the lockdown might have given you a clue or two…

62. Practice doesn’t Always Make Perfect
The frustration is practically a distinctive part of any long haired girl out there and this meme just breaks our hearts.

63. It’s all About Priorities!
Low- maintenance gets a new definition during lockdown thanks to the lack of social pressure to look good. If it feels right, this hairstyle is your soulmate!

64. Hairstyle Vacation
Oh, the one-hour long or more pampering session you get to experience every time your enter that hair salon should really get a special name!

65. Quarantine Hairstyle
Been there, done that! Waiting for a haircut is a tough time both in quarantine times and on Holidays Eves as well so hang in there, shaggy fellows!

66. Ode to the Ponytail
The classic ponytail, better known as the go-to hairstyle we all choose at least once a week finally got the recognition it deserves! Praised be the internet!

67. Homemade Solutions are Overestimated
It takes a special type of persuasion to convince women not to put all the kitchen ingredients onto their scalp and this meme is part of it! Just get a trim, ladies!

68. Oh, the Effort!
Kinky curly haired women are probably way too familiar with this type of struggle so this meme comes as a recognition of their efforts!

69. Hairstyle Goals
Reality vs. expectations was particularly a painful experience during childhood years and every girl struggling to get those box braids herself probably knows what I’m’ talking about!

70. Best Hairstyle Tip
Getting good care of your hair should be mandatory just like you take good care of your phone, car, skin, and clothes. Your scalp will appreciate the effort!

71. Hairstyle Dilemma
It’s an emotional roller-coaster sometimes, but having to choose from so many options can really take a toll on your inner peace. What a wholesome meme!

72. Shaggy Hairstyle FTW
A look we are more and more familiar after the lock-down experience, the Yetty appearance is not a surprise anymore even after the restrictions were lifted! Long live appointments!

73. The Ever Lasting Hairstyle Issue
This situation is 100% totally relatable and super accurate! The effort of blow-drying your hair right before going to bed is inhumane!

74. Alternative Workout Activity
Those arms getting toned and firm once the cold season is back and you can’t simply dry your hair in the sun anymore is a natural consequence of blow-drying. They should sell them in the sports department of the supermarket!

75. Must Resist Temptations
Ever had a thought this strong that keeps you agitated and nervous at night? Getting your hair braided in a protective hairstyle is sure problematic from this perspective!

76. Missing The Little Things
So simple, yet so true! What a comeback to reality going to a hair salon was for clients and hairdressers all around the world!

77. More than just a Hairstylist
Getting a haircut is more efficient than buying a new dress and so after nailing the term ” shopping therapy”, there should exist a term for hair therapy as well!

78. Life is too Short for Self Hairstyle
Getting a break from that blow-dryer that solicits the arms as hell is surely one benefit of getting your hair done by someone else!

79. More than Just a Job
Becoming a hairstylist simply doesn’t get enough recognition sometimes but this meme is here to fix it! Ah, the wonderful internet!

80. Everyday Hairstyle Events
Accurate depiction of my mental breakdown this morning when attempting at getting a crown braid. It ain’t easy being a modern Rapunzel for sure!

81. Self-made Bangs
Not all of us can draw a straight line but many of us think we can handle cutting our own curtain bangs! What an illusion!

82. Hairstyles as Coping Mechanism
Changing the outside is easier than the inside but it sure comes with a cost! When was the last time you tried to change your looks?

83. Hairstyle Appreciation
Twists-out is surely a hairstyle that won’t always deliver the best results! But the effort is the same and it shouldn’t go unnoticed!

84. Curly Hairstyles Issues
The fascination for curls is an old issue all curly people must endure because we don’t live in a perfect world where everyone is born with curls, sadly!

85. New Best Friend
Attention, dry-shampoo addicts! This meme is an accurate portrait of your hair care cleaning routine in quarantine!

86. Hard to Find
“I sometimes see you lurking underneath my sofa on the floor/ Hello, is it me you’re looking for?” should be the new lyrics of Lionel Richie’s musical hit, adapted for bobby pins and lost hair accessories everywhere!

87. Best Hairstyle Ever
Getting the perfect ponytail is the type of satisfaction we all crave in our imperfect lives but hair ties have a different opinion, unfortunately.

88. Ponytail-Struggle
Simply unfair! Life is never synchronized with our intentions and that just hurts beyond words. Ponytails will never come out perfect when needed!

89. Current Quarantine Hairstyle
Weird-bun should be a new trend in hairstyles this year! Just look at all those flawed masterpieces you create every morning in your hair! Priceless!

90. Homemade Mask
Again, the underlying issue this meme points out is that we, women have the overwhelming tendency of applying any type of food in our hair.

91. Braids are Underestimated
Now, this meme right here should be printed and handed out to all the women hitting the gyms and yoga studios right now! Braids and blow-dries are simply a type of exercise a woman must perfect!

92. Saving Solution
Bad hair days are part of life! Maybe too big of a part, some might add. And by some, I mean, me and all the other women on the surface of the Earth.

93. Double Advantage
Have you tried blow-drying your hair with your head downward? This trick might help with the inhumane arm effort needed.

94. Lockdown Conclusions
Never underestimate the power of a hairstylist until you can’t get his services anymore! This meme has a valid point. And an awful haircut!

95. Validation Struggle
No matter the action, we all seek recognition, so why would haircuts be any different? Keep this in mind for your next visit to the beauty parlor.

96. Quarantine Effects
Bowl-cuts, baby-bangs, Hagrid-like appearances, are no longer just a bad dream for many of us. Luckily, hair does grow back!

97. New-found Career
Well, if lately, you found yourself “bored in the house” as the lyrics say, this new occupation could solve the issue of ever-disappearing bobby pins.

98. Endless Hairstyle Options
Curly hair is one of the most versatile types of hair out there and this is not an advantage all the time, as this meme funnily shows us. Decision making is hard!

99. Hair Care Mysteries
Pools are the number one enemy of your hairstyle, no matter how good care you take outside of it. Use a bonnet or just don’t leave it soaking in that treated water all day.

100. Relatable
It’s all fun and games with dry shampoo until you are not sure if what you have on your head is hair or a form of cotton candy you can’t eat.

101. Always Plan Ahead
Washing your hair should be a well-planned routine as this meme here tries to convince us, but don’t worry, washing it daily won’t affect its health unless you use strong shampoos.

102. Hairstylists Are Modern Magicians
This illustration is self-explanatory but the actual experience of working with hair can be so rewarding that it actually makes sense to anyone inside this world.

103. Rubber Bands and Chewing Gum
To anyone that ever struggled with stressful to manage hair, this wholesome meme is everything.

104. Drying Extra-Long Hair Is a Struggle
They don’t say too much about washing it, but drying your hair is sometimes so tiring that it should count as cardio.

105. Multitasking is a full-time job
Sometimes too much, sometimes not enough, hair is both a blessing and a curse, and having to manage it all by yourself is sometimes dangerous.

Sometimes accurate, sometimes plain weird, the situations depicted throughout the internet in tweets, memes, and virtual notes make a great laughing experience. We hope you had as much fun reading them as we had compelling these 105 quarantine-related hairstyle memes.
After 105 memes, maybe you want to see some DIY Haircut Fails that might bring back some funny quarantine memories or relatable moments.